Monday 20 April 2015

6 months post surgery - Braces off!!! All done!!!

Well after 31 months I have my braces off. What a transition! I had forgotten what my teeth felt like. I'm not brave enough to bite into an apple because my teeth still feel a little fragile to me. I'm happy to wait a little bit longer but so happy with the finished result. It has been a long road and many times I have thought I had made the wrong decision and regretted it but now it' all over, I'm very happy.
All the swelling has gone and I can open my mouth up completely. I still have the occassional twinge of pain in my jaw when i yawn but its constantly improving.
I now wear a brace behind my teeth that can't be seen. It will keep them in place and stop them from moving again. I also have a retainer to wear at night for the next 2 years.
I feel like a new person and achieved everything I set out to do. Very happy.


  1. Would you do it all over again?

  2. I'm sorry I just saw your question. Yes I would definitely do it again. It was quite scary at the time not knowing whether everything that was happening after the operation was "normal" but now it's just an interesting story tell.
