Wednesday 5 November 2014

Week 5 - Better day today

I have to keep reminding myself that it's only week 5 and my recovery is going well. It feels like the opreration was so long ago. 

I usually work on a reception desk and have given up my job to have this operation, giving myself plenty of time to recover. I'm feeling more confident in my speech now and my smile has progressed a little which is important so I can start looking for a new job. It still feels like I have a way to go but I'm sure I will get by and most people wouldn't notice.

I'm so happy with the results so far. I realise there is still some swelling but it's minimal now. I've noticed the skin on my neck and jaw line is now much tighter than before. It's like I've had a mini facelift as well.

My teeth are still too sore to use. I'm just chopping my food very fine. I have tried to bite into sandwiches and soft bananas but it just doesn't work yet. I cant open my mouth wide enough to take a good bite and I'm not sure if it's the numbness in my bottom lip or the lack of feeling in my bottom teeth but it feels like I'm trying to bite using Lego blocks. I'm looking forward to seeing what it's like to eat a hamburger and being able to bite all the way through, but that might be a while away.

I've also cut down my pain medication. I'm only on Panadol now although I still wake each night having to take it to get back to sleep. All in all, a good week.

 I wouldn't recommend it for everyone and I was seriously doubting my decision on some days, but now I'm really glad I went through with it. I know I would have always regretted not doing it.

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