Friday 14 November 2014

Week 6 - Check Up

have just been to see the Orthodontist. My teeth still don't join up properly. I will need a few more months of adjustments.

I now have a rubber band running along the top row of back teeth and down to the bottom jaw to pull them together. I can take it off to eat and clean my teeth but it is supposed to be on all the time. I will be taking it off if I get a job interview because it looks like a piece of dental floss stuck in my teeth. It does help line my jaws up properly. 

A  couple of times while I've been talking I've had a shooting pain go from my jaw through my face as if my jaw is going to pop out of place. The orthodontist said it could be a pinched nerve but we will wait and see. It may just be in need of healing properly.

It is such a waiting game. I also saw my doctor today and he said if I was 18 years old I would have completely recovered by now but being older it will take a while longer.

My teeth still hurt like they did when I first got the braces but the doctor said I should be chewing by now.  I can use my front teeth which is great. I haven't been able to bite properly before so I'm enjoying taking little bites although my mouth doesn't open very wide yet.

I have a lot more feeling now. Still numb in some spots but it's much better.

I've seen a few people that I haven't seen  since before the operation and they have noticed a big difference.  People that are close to me say it's not much different. I just look younger. 

So glad I did it! As time goes on I'm forgetting about the first 2 weeks and just focusing on the now. Very happy:)

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