Friday 17 October 2014

Day 14 / Week 2 - Now I can move my face

2 weeks post-op today. Thank God the worst is over. It was amazing to wake up this morning and feel such a contrast to the past few days. No more bleeding, pain under control and a good appetite.

I finally feel like I have turned a corner. I looked in the mirror this morning and it's as though a lot of the bruising disappeared overnight. I feel like the healing process has accelerated all of a sudden. I'm really happy with the way it's all taking shape.

I still have some very firm swelling across my sinus area and along my jaw bone. A layer of skin is starting to peel from my nose and there are also some numb areas around my nose and my chin. Embarrassingly I have been sitting with food on my chin after lunch and not been aware of it until someone told me.

My lips are still sore and very heat sensitive. Food and drink can only be luke warm otherwise it feels like my lips are being scolded.

I also have more movement in my face now. For a while only one side of my face would move when I smiled. It now feels more even. My jaws are still very stiff and I can constantly feel the muscles underneath trying to pull the lower jaw back.

It's great to be in good spirits and hopefully have the worst behind me.

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