Thursday 9 October 2014

Day 6 - What to eat?

My lips are so sore I can't stand anything touching them. My Orthodontist has always said that I have a small mouth. I imagine they stretched it so far during the surgery it's a little worse for wear. I am supposed to be eating from a spoon as exercise but against "doctors orders" I have decided to give my lips a break. Im seeing him tomorrow anyway and I'm talking enough for exercise.

What a wonderful invention the Nutribullet is. I can put anything in it to make a shake and sip it from the rim. The baby food tubes are also good. You can just squeeze them into the smallest of gaps.

Breakfast was a Weetbix with honey and enough milk to make a shake consistency.
Morning tea - raw egg, milk, nutmeg, banana &honey shake
Lunch - peaches, cream, milk & nutmeg shake
Afternoon tea - cold coffee shake
Dinner - homemade vegetable soup, puréed
After dinner - puréed broccoli with hollandaise sauce.
Midnight snack - yoghurt

I'm basically eating every 3 hours with the pain medication otherwise I get a pain in the stomach. I'm yet to sleep more than 2 hours at a time. The pain usually wakes me on the dot if not before.

The doctors told me to expect to lose about 5 kilo over the next few weeks. I've already lost 2 kilo this week, so I'm eating when I'm not hungry now. I just have to stick to a schedule. I don't want to lose too much weight. I'm trying to eat nutritiously with a little bit of fat and sugars to keep up my energy.

I'm not feeling too bad. I've been for my daily walk. Time to rest again.

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