Tuesday 21 October 2014

Day 18 - Coming along in leaps & bounds


What a difference a couple of days can make. I feel so much better now.

I still tire very easily but I'm more active now. I spent several days just lying around, but now I can do a bit of housework and go for a walk. My appetite is back. Ive put the weight back on that I lost in the initial few days and I can now sleep slightly on my side rather than virtualy sitting up in bed. It just keeps getting better everyday.

The pinkish color has now returned to my gums. I have to say I was getting worried looking in the mirror each morning to see that they were still dead white, but over the recent days I have noticed the feeling coming back to the roof of my mouth although my top gum is still completely numb. The stitches are still there, all along the top gum and all along the bottom. It's quite odd to look at something that you would think was quite painful but in fact doesn't hurt at all. The part that hurts is where the jaws meet, just in front of my ears, but this is getting better each day too. I can only open my mouth enough to fit in a spoon. The swelling around the jaws is stopping it from opening any wider.

I have a lot more feeling in my face now so I'm able to give a little smile or a big smile instead of just trying for anything.

My lips and chin are a bit tingly and numb just the same as they feel after a needle from the dentist. I just need to make sure I check the mirror after Ive eaten or had something to drink.

It's funny to wake up each morning with the thought, "I wonder what I will look like today"

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